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연구실조만식기념관 624호
관련분야영어통사론, 비교통사론, 생성언어학 이론

2004  Harvard University, Dept. of Linguistics 졸업 (박사, Ph.D. 통사론 전공)

     (논문 제목: Ditransitive Structures and (Anti-) locality)

1996  이화여자대학교 대학원 영어영문학과 졸업 (석사, 영어학 전공)

1994  이화여자대학교 영어영문학과 졸업 (학사)

주요 경력

2000.9-2001.6 Teaching Fellow (Harvard University, Dept. of Linguistics)

2004.9-2005.8 이화여자대학교 영어영문학과 강사

2004.9-2005.8 이화여자대학교 BK 21 언어학사업단 박사 후 연구원 (post-doctoral fellow)

2012.2-2013.1 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University

주요 연구업적

 주요 연구실적

2011.05  “Extraposition from subject and locative syntax,” 생성문법연구 (Studies in Generative Grammar)

            21.2: 265-288. 한국생성문법학회.

2010.08  “Asymmetries in two types of small clauses in English,” Proceedings of GLOW-Asia VIII, Center for Linguistic

            Theory, Beijing Language and Culture University.

2010.06  “A remark on subject condition and subextraction puzzle,”Chomskyan Studies 5:1-10. The International

            Society for Chomskyan Studies.

2010.02  “Scope interaction in English small clauses: semantic properties of predicates, restructuring and

            phases,”생성문법연구 (Studies in Generative Grammar) 20.1: 1-26. 한국생성문법학회.

2008.03  “Non-finite complement structures of perception verbs in English," 언어 (Korean Journal of

             Linguistics) 33.1: 129-157. 한국언어학회.

2006.11  “Dialectal differences in English double object passives," 영어학 연구 (Journal of English

             Linguistics, EWU) 11: 29-52

2006.06  "On the structure of English get-passives," 영어학연구 (English Language and Linguistics) 21: 149-

  1. 한국영어학학회.

2006.03  "A critical review of analyses of indirect passives," 생성문법연구 (Studies in Generative Grammar)

            16.2: 269-285. 한국생성문법학회.

2005.08  "Argument structure of Japanese ditransitives and chain formation," Ellipsis in Minimalism: Proceedings of

            the 7th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, 251-264.

2005.03  "Escape hatch effects and anti-locality in passivization of ditransitive verb phrases," 생성문법연구

            (Studies in Generative Grammar) 15.1: 53-75. 한국생성문법학회.

2005.03  "On the nature of locality: locality circumvention effects in passivization of applicative

            structures," 현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar) 39.1: 71-91. 현대문법학회.

2005.02  "A-movement locality in applicative constructions," Proceedings of the 28th Annual Penn Linguistics

            Colloquium 11.1: 129-141. University of Pennsylvania.

2004  "Light predicate-based analysis of passive constructions," Proceedings of Chicago Linguistic Society 38: 379-

  1. University of Chicago.

2003  "A sketch of the structure of passive constructions in Korean," (eds.) Gregory Iverson and Sang-Cheol Ahn,

         Explorations in Korean Language and Linguistics, 347-359. International Circle of Korean Linguistics.

2002  "Complex sentences," (eds.) Claire Bowern and Victoria Lotridge, Ndebele: Languages of the

         World/Materials 416. Lincom Europa. (Gorm Amand, Balkiz Ozturk 공저)

2002  "A note on verb movement, scrambling, and scope interaction," Proceedings of Western Conference on

         Linguistics 12: 328-341.

2000  "Korean adverbs," (eds.) Guglielmo Cinque and Luigi Rizzi, Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 25: 67-80. Padova,

         Italy: Uni Press..


 학회 활동

1) 해외: 미국언어학회 (Linguistic Society of America) 회원

2) 국내: 한국 생성문법학회 연구이사(국제)

한국 언어학회 회원

한국 영어학 학회 회원


1994  이화여자대학교 최우등 졸업상

1997-2001  Harvard-Yenching Doctoral Fellowship

2001-2002 Harvard University Graduate Society Term-Time Research Grant

2002-2003  Harvard University Graduate Society Dissertation Completion Fellowship

2010, 2011  숭실대학교 베스트 티처상

상단으로 이동